
This page answers frequently asked questions about our pharmacy services.





The automated prescription refill call-in line uses an interactive voice response (IVR) system so that you can request prescription refills 24 hours a day without having to speak to a pharmacy staff member.

To request a refill, call the pharmacy and follow the instructions. 您需要:

  • The prescription number (located in the top left of the prescription label)
  • 您的保险信息

You may select a pick-up time that is convenient for you when calling in a refill on the automated line.


The Drug Take-Back box is available at all sites during retail store hours (*retail store hours only at D-H 药店 at Centerra).

You can put the following medications in the Drug Take-Back box:

  • 宠物药物
  • 未使用或过期的非处方药
  • 未使用或过期的处方药

Please do not put the following items in the Drug Take-Back box:

  • 气溶胶罐
  • 过氧化氢
  • 非法毒品
  • 吸入器
  • 乳液或液体
  • 附表I受管制物质
  • 温度计

What immunizations can I receive from your pharmacy and do I need a prescription?

You can now get your vaccinations at the Dick Hall’s House 药店 or the 柴郡医疗中心 药店 (if eligible)! 从1月1日开始, 2023, the D-H 药店 at Centerra has discontinued administering all vaccines until further notice.

You do not need a prescription to receive an immunization at our pharmacies.

如果你年满18岁, 你可以接受以下免疫接种, without an appointment and often in less than 20 minutes.

  • 甲型肝炎
  • 乙型肝炎
  • 人乳头状瘤病毒
  • 流感
  • 脑膜炎球菌
  • MMR
  • 肺炎
  • 带状疱疹
  • 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗

The pharmacy will enter your immunization into your electronic medical record or fax your immunization documentation to your primary care provider (PCP) for their records.


D-H药房服务应用程序 适用于iOS和Android. 其特点包括:

  • Alerts when prescriptions are ready for pick up at the pharmacy
  • 每天提醒在正确的时间服药
  • Full access to prescription information including prescription number, 药物名称, 和力量, 使用说明, 处方医生, 续杯剩余, 预计的补充日期, 最后填写日期.
  • 补充正在服用药物的提醒
  • The ability to choose your preferred communication: email or text


Our pharmacy can mail prescriptions to you if you live in one of the following states:

  • 阿拉巴马州
  • 亚利桑那州
  • 加州
  • 科罗拉多州
  • 康涅狄格
  • 佛罗里达
  • 乔治亚州
  • 爱达荷州
  • 伊利诺斯州
  • 印第安纳州
  • 爱荷华州
  • 缅因州
  • 麻萨诸塞州
  • 新汉普郡
  • 新泽西
  • 纽约
  • 北卡罗莱纳
  • 俄亥俄州
  • 俄勒冈州
  • 宾西法尼亚
  • 罗德岛州
  • 南卡罗来纳
  • 南达科塔州
  • 德州
  • 犹他州
  • 佛蒙特州
  • 维吉尼亚州
  • 华盛顿



请注意某些处方在交货时需要签名. 更多细节请咨询药房团队.



Our home delivery services are available for all of New England's residents and many others. Shipping is free and the states we serve continue to expand. 十大博彩推荐排名了解更多信息.

如欲报名参加送货上门服务,请填写 送货上门协议.

点击 提交 会给我们药房发一份协议副本吗.

One of our team members will reach out to you directly to verify your information and request your payment information. 如果你愿意,你也可以通过电话报名 603-653-3785.

请注意: Due to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 服务 (CMS) regulations, we are unable to mail diabetic testing supplies paid for by Medicare B.


Any mailed items are processed within 2 business days and will be delivered via courier within 3-5 business days.

You may elect to receive your prescriptions via USPS, UPS or FedEx.

  • All refrigerated medications will be sent via FedEx Priority Overnight or UPS Next Day Air for no additional charge.
  • If mailing to a post office box it must be delivered via USPS.

Select prescriptions will require a signature upon receipt. 这些处方包括:

  • 多动症的药物
  • 添加药物
  • 丙型肝炎药物
  • 止痛药
  • 由医疗保险B支付的药物.

To request exceptions and to be updated on the status of your prescription, 请与药房联系.


If your prescription must be refrigerated, we will ship it in a Green Cell Foam cooler. Green Cell Foam is environmentally friendly and is made from 100% all-natural, 在美国种植的非转基因玉米.S. Their products produce 80% less greenhouse gas and uses 70% less energy to produce than traditional Styrofoam boxes.


  • 让它溶解在水里. Green Cell Foam is safe for septic, pipes and waste facility treatments.
  • 把它放在外面,或者堆肥. 是可生物降解的!
  • 用它作为壁炉或火坑里的引火人.



No! 它是无毒和可生物降解的, meaning it is safe for the environment no matter what disposal method you choose.


不幸的是,冰袋是不可生物降解的. However, they are reusable and can be used at home for personal use.

What do I do if my shipment container’s foam melted during shipping?

If your cooler has significant damage on the interior, due to water damage during shipping. 请与药房联系,电话是 603-653-3785 以确定药物的安全使用.

Can I return the cooler to the pharmacy after I receive my shipment?

Due to the nature of these coolers and their eco-friendly qualities, we will no longer be offering return shipping to the pharmacy for disposal. 请参阅上面如何处理这些冷却器.

Can I request to have my prescription sent overnight or have a signature required?

是的. You may have your prescription mailed overnight for a $40 fee and/or elect to have a signature required for a $5 fee.

请注意:这些费用只适用于选定的服务. If your prescription meets our standard policies for requiring overnight or signature services, 不另收费.

What if my address, credit card, or insurance information changes?

请透过电邮联络我们 603-653-3785 to speak with a pharmacy representative to update this information at your earliest convenience and before your next refill.

The pharmacy is not responsible for prescriptions that are lost or damaged in the mail. Replacement prescription costs will be determined by and at the discretion of the patient’s insurance carrier.